Paths of Understanding History

An art and education project developed by Collegium in collaboration with IE University


View of 'Paths of understanding History' 4 (2024-02-22)Collegium

The Collegium collection at IE Creativity Center, Segovia

The exhibition, curated by Aldones Nino with works from the Collegium's collection, was held at the IE Creativity Centre in Segovia, part of IE University, from 22 February to 13 April.

Aldones Nino and Anna Wieck in class at IE University (2024)Collegium

A museum-university alliance

The exhibition has been part of various training activities for IE students, who have been able to firsthand experience in class how a museum operates and works, as well as being part of the IE Creativity Day program.

Exhibition view 'Paths of understanding History' 3 (2024-02-22)Collegium

"This exhibition has no aesthetic pretensions; it is History revisited through a range of individual stories that we hope can be inspiring."
– Juan Carlos Redondo and Aldones Nino.

Ayla Tavares video (2023) by Rafael EstefaníaCollegium

Participation of Ayla Tavares

The exhibition includes a piece by Ayla Tavares, who was a resident artist at Collegium in 2022, and a video documenting her residency. Tavares focused on microhistories compared to grand History, reviving ancient pottery techniques.

Visitor scanning the QR codes of the texts. (2024-02-22)Collegium

Engaging students and technology

Through QR codes, visitors can read the texts about each artwork written by university students.

View of 'Paths of understanding History' 5 (2024-02-22)Collegium


Yto Barrada, Tim Berresheim, Iman Issa, Louise Lawler, Ibrahim Mahama, Carlos Martiel, Odires Mlászho, Walid Raad, Ayla Tavares, Mariana Tellería and Nasan Tur.

Credits: All media
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