What is Stereoscopy?
Stereoscopy is a science of optical trickery. It deals with techniques and technology that make two-dimensional images appear three-dimensional to human eyes. By viewing two similar images with slightly different perspectives the illusion of a single image with depth is created.
Applications of stereoscopy include 3-D movies, immersive gaming and virtual reality simulators. All of which work on the same basic principal of viewing dual images, one with each eye.
These technologies could not have been developed without an understanding of the physiology of human vision.
Stereoscopic trickery is possible because humans have binocular vision – two eyed vision. Our brain is designed to process two images, one from each eye, seeing slightly different views from their side by side placement on our face. The visual cortex rationalises the ‘binocular disparities’ in the images from each eye to create a cohesive view of the world with accurate perception of location and depth.
Charles Wheatstone's 3-D Phenomenon
Binocular vision was first formally described by Charles Wheatstone FRS (1802-1875) in a paper read to the Royal Society on 21st June 1838. Wheatstone was an inventor, former musical instrument maker and Professor of Experimental Philosophy at King’s College, London.
Since its foundation in 1660, Fellows of the Royal Society had presented new discoveries and inventions to their peers at meetings. These papers often went on to be published in the Society's Journal where they could reach a wider audience. Wheatstone's paper on stereoscopy: 'Contributions to the physiology of vision. Part the first. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, phenomena of binocular vision', appeared in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in 1838.
In his seminal paper Wheatstone first establishes that each eye has a different field of vision, and so the brain must be receiving different images from each retina - binocular vision. According to Wheatstone this observation had only previously been noted in writing by Leonardo Da Vinci and never fully explored. He goes on to outline experiments for forcing each eye to look at separate objects or images and observing the resulting phenomena, to prove stereopsis or depth perception is a phenomenon of binocular vision. A contemporary who reviewed the paper noted they were 'ingenious experiments of valuable observations'. Some of these experiments employed Wheatstone's newly invented reflecting stereoscope.
Wheatstone had trained his eyes to see properly prepared pairs of images or stereograms in three-dimensions without a viewing aid. He designed the reflecting stereoscope to help those with less practiced eyes. His paper provides illustrated instructions on the use of the stereoscope to view flat images in relief - an entirely new 3-D optical experience.
Plate 10 from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision - Part the First'. (1838-06-21) by Charles Wheatstone (1802 - 1875), physicist and James Basire III (d.1869), engraverThe Royal Society
Figures from Wheatstone's paper on binocular vision
Wheatstone invented the first stereoscope to demonstrate the properties of binocular vision. This first type of stereoscope is often known as a Wheatstone mirror stereoscope. These figures illustrate its design and interplay with the optical axes to produce the 3-D effect.
The pair of stereogram images are placed with one image on each side of the apparatus, in the grooves (E) on adjustable upright panels
Plate 10 from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision - Part the First'. (1838-06-21) by Charles Wheatstone (1802 - 1875), physicist and James Basire III (d.1869), engraverThe Royal Society
The images must always be kept level with one another, but the distance apart can be adjusted using the screw and pin mechanism (p), designed to ensure that the stereo images remain equidistant from the centre
At the centre are two mirrors (A), placed together with their backs at 90 degrees to one another. The observer places their eyes as close as possible to the the mirrors, one either side of the join.
Plate 10 from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision - Part the First'. (1838-06-21) by Charles Wheatstone (1802 - 1875), physicist and James Basire III (d.1869), engraverThe Royal Society
(Stereoscope from above). The side panels (D) are adjusted so the images are at the point of the optical axes, about 6-8 inches away from the eyes. At this point the images will appear to converge. In the mirrors the viewer will perceive a single image in relief, or 3-D
Simpler visual aids could also be used to help block out peripheral vision and focus the eyes on the stereograms. Such as a box (fig 6) or pair of tubes (fig 5). In the mirrors the viewer will perceive a single image in relief, or 3-D
Stereo Photography
It was a fortuitous coincidence that photography was being widely explored at the same time as stereoscopy was born. It allowed complex stereoscopic imagery to be created more easily than by drawing. Early photography in stereo could create a dramatic, immersive experience.
The first stereograms, created by Wheatstone were pairs of basic line drawings published alongside the design of his stereoscope. These were deliberately simple as the focus of the Royal Society paper, presented to his scientific peers, was on demonstrating his observations on optics rather than providing entertainment. Wheatstone thought complex, shaded drawings might cause users of the stereoscope to think the 3-D effect was an artistic illusion rather than the result of using the stereoscope.
Plate 11 from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision - Part the First'. (1838-06-21) by Charles Wheatstone (1802 - 1875), physicist and James Basire III (d.1869), engraverThe Royal Society
Stereograms from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision'
These basic figures were provided by Wheatstone as examples of the effects of the stereoscope.
The two lines of dots (fig 11) for example, create the effect of each one being "successively nearer the observer". The segmented circle (fig 14) would appear as a cone with the point closest to the observer and receding to the round base
Plate 11 from 'Contributions to the Physiology of Vision - Part the First'. (1838-06-21) by Charles Wheatstone (1802 - 1875), physicist and James Basire III (d.1869), engraverThe Royal Society
More complex three-dimensional shapes could be drawn successfully with care. Wheatstone thought his stereoscope would be particularly useful for representing architecture and machinery as solid figures, to render them "more instructive"
In a second paper on the physiology of vision in 1851, Wheatstone recognised that it was impossible for even the most talented artist to create the necessary projections for stereograms that would accurately reproduce complex objects and scenes. Whereas two stereoscopic photos with the desired perspective could be relatively quickly and easily produced regardless of the intricacy of the subject.
To produce an effective stereograph each image must be taken from a different position on the same horizontal axis. The position depends on the distance of the subject from the camera lens and the distance of the images from the mirror or lens of the stereoscope used to view them.
"What the hand of the artist was unable to accomplish, the chemical action of light, directed by the camera, has enabled us to effect" Wheatstone, 1851
Some account of the art of photogenic drawing (1839) by William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877)The Royal Society
'Account of the the Art of Photogenic Drawing'
Less than a year after Wheatstone shared his stereoscope with the Royal Society, William Henry Fox Talbot presented his paper on photogenic drawing.
Read on 31st January 1839...
Two specimens of fern leaf (c. 1840) by Caleb Burrell Rose (1790-1872)The Royal Society
...it describes an early photographic process for fixing an image on paper made light-sensitive using a salt solution
Early examples of photographs by Henry Fox-Talbot. Many others were working on varying photographic processes in the same period. Find out more in the Royal Society's online exhibit The invention of photography
"about six months "after the appearance of my memoir...the photographic art became known, and soon after, at my request, Mr Talbot, the inventor...obligingly prepared for me stereoscopic Talbototypes of full-sized statues, buildings and even portraits of living persons" Wheatstone, 1851
Science in 3-D
Photography vastly expanded the scope of subject material for stereoscopy. Most of the examples of stereoscopic photography in the Royal Society collections show it quickly being adopted to document the scientific work of Fellows, from astronomy to ballistics.
The Leviathan Telescope
Stereo photographs of Lord Rosse's Telescope taken by Lady Mary Rosse (1813-1885) were sent to be reproduced alongside her husband's 1861 paper in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. It described construction of the huge telescope and resulting nebula observations.
Leviathan Telescope (otherwise known as Lord Rosse's Telescope) at Birr Castle, Ireland (c. 1857) by Mary Rosse, Countess of Rosse (nee Mary Field) (1813-1885)The Royal Society
Stereoscopic photographs of the Leviathan Telescope, c.1857
Lady Rosse and her husband William Parsons, President of the Royal Society, were keen astronomers. Her first photographic endeavour was recording the huge telescope constructed at their home in Ireland. Completed in 1845 it remained the largest telescope in the world until 1915
The figures of the Earl of Rosse (William Parsons PRS) and two of the Rosse children show the scale of the instrument
Leviathan Telescope (otherwise known as Lord Rosse's Telescope) at Birr Castle, Ireland (c. 1857) by Mary Rosse, Countess of Rosse (nee Mary Field) (1813-1885)The Royal Society
The power of the telescope, which had a six foot lens, meant Lord Rosse was able to observe the spiral shape of some nebulae for the first time
The 54 foot tube projecting forwards makes it a dramatic and effective subject for a stereograph
PT_62_8_12The Royal Society
Lady Rosse also photographed individual components and the workings of the telescope mechanisms. Charles Wheatstone, inventor of stereoscopy, had predicted its usefulness for illustrating design of complex machinery such as the Leviathan Telescope.
Although many of Lady Rosse's photographs were taken as stereo pairs, the layout prepared for publication in 1861 (below, left) included only single images. It was not yet possible to print in greyscale or mass reproduce photographs, so the images which appeared in the final publication (below, right) are engravings made by the artist James Basire.
The economics of printing a scientific journal and the difficulty for an artist to accurately reproduce the binocular differences meant it was not practical to reproduce the stereoscopic images as photographic prints or engravings.
A Residence Above the Clouds
Charles Piazzi-Smyth FRS (1819-1900) was a pioneer in astronomy and photographic publishing. In 1857 he led an expedition to the mountains of Tenerife to test making astronomical observations at altitude. His popular account was the first book illustrated with stereographs.
Charles Piazzi-Smyth began his career as an assistant astronomer at Cape Observatory, South Africa in 1847 where world-renowned astronomer Sir John Herschel FRS (1792-1871) was in residence. Herschel was also a pioneer of photography, developing the cyanotype process, amongst others. It seems Herschel taught PIazzi-Smyth some photographic skills, later endorsing Piazzi-Smyth's plan to photograph his expedition to Tenerife and calling him an expert photographer.
In 1856, now Astronomer Royal for Scotland, Piazzi Smyth was accompanied to Tenerife by his new wife Jessica 'Jessie' Duncan Piazzi Smyth (1812-1896). Above she is seen in stereo at their camp on Mount Guajara with a mounted 3.6 inch Sheepshanks telescope. Jessie was a geologist and, like her husband, a photographer.
Their photographs documented their experiments and equipment in the field, but also geological formations in the volcanic mountains, Tenerife flora and landmarks.
Title page of 'Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment' (1858) by Charles Piazzi Smith (1819 - 1900), astronomerThe Royal Society
'Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment, Piazzi Smyth' (1858)
Subtitled 'specialities of a residence above the clouds', this was the first book to include stereoscopic photographs
Culminating Point of the Peak of Teneriffe (1858) by Charles Piazzi Smith (1819 - 1900), astronomerThe Royal Society
The stereographs were redeveloped from the Piazzi Smyth's negatives. Each had to be individually exposed and mounted by hand before being added to the book, at great expense to the publisher. Two thousand copies were produced.
Preface concerning the illustrations in 'Teneriffe, an astronomer's experiment' (1858) by Charles Piazzi Smith (1819 - 1900), astronomerThe Royal Society
In a preface Piazzi Smyth explains his choice to publish stereographs. In addition to the three-dimensional effect, he saw it as an advantage to show two images to verify accuracy. For "correctness" a photo is better than a drawing - but two photos are better than one!
A special book-stereoscope could be purchased to view the stereographs within the volume.
"to enjoy the effects either of solidity or of distance...we have only to combine the two photographs stereoscopically, and those bewitching qualities are produced. Stereographs have not hitherto been bound up, as plates, in a volume; yet that will be found ...not incompatible with the use of the ordinary stereoscope and well adapted for Mr Reeve's new form of the instrument - The Book Stereoscope - constructed by Messrs. Negretti and Zambra, to fold up in a case like a map" Piazzi Smyth (1858)
Ballistics - catching a bullet
Royal Artillery Proofmaster, Seargeant P McKinlay integrated a binocular camera into his ballistics experiment. By means of connecting electro-magnetic shutters to galvanic tubes he was able to capture the exact moment a gun fires.
Stereoscopic photographs of artillery firing (1866) by Sergeant P McKinlayThe Royal Society
Stereograph of a gun firing, Seargeant P McKinlay (1866)
Photographs taken at Woolwich Arsenal by means of an adapted double camera
McKinlay rigged the camera with spring loaded discs as improvised shutters. These were connected to the gun's galvanic tube trigger (seen being ejected at the rear). When fired the current holding open the shutters was disrupted capturing the photos at the exact time of discharge
Stereoscopic photographs of artillery firing (1866) by Sergeant P McKinlayThe Royal Society
The flash, smoke and projectile can all be seen at the muzzle of the gun. The image is barely blurred as it was captured with perfect timing, before the movement of the gun recoiling would have distorted the image
"Among the many applications of photography to the different branches of science...my attention has been called to one of a novel description...to take the picture of a gun in the act of firing" P. McKinlay, Proofmaster
The motivation for this experiment is unclear, though a projectile makes for dramatic stereoscopic subject, it may have been conceived to help with McKinlay's professional duties. As Proofmaster, McKinlay's role was to test the safety of gun barrels by using an over-pressure charge of powder to strain the barrel's resilience. In artillery proving is the only use for galvanic tubes, which may have given him the idea for the trigger system in his experimental photography.
David Brewster - a polarising inventor
Without the fortuitous advent of photography, the stereoscope may not have been such a success. Unfortunately, with commercial success there often comes a less collaborative face of science: disputed claims of invention.
One David Brewster FRS (1781-1868), researcher in optics and creator of the kaleidoscope enters the history of the stereoscope with a legitimate claim as the inventor of the first portable 3-D viewing device and a stereo camera.
First made in 1849 Brewster's lenticular stereoscope used prisms rather than mirrors. It was a more compact device than Wheatstone’s reflecting stereoscope and the eyepieces also made it easier to use, it became the first commercial stereoscope and by 1851 had gained mass popularity. Many other stereoscope designs went on to be patented over the years. Such is the natural progression of science, innovators building on the inventions of previous generations to re-imagine and improve them.
Brewster, however, was also an antagonist in this tale, claiming that Wheatstone had no interest in the use of photographs with the stereoscope and that this was his own innovation. Brewster even went so far as to suggest someone else had a prior claim to the whole concept of the stereoscope, showing little spirit of fellowship amongst these Fellows of the Royal Society.
Wheatstone launched a thinly veiled defense in his second paper on binocular vision in 1851. He acknowledged the innovations of Brewster but asserted that his reflecting stereoscope was superior in functionality and revealed a more portable version that folded into a case.
In a twist to the tale Brewster's wider work on optics, included defining the laws of polarisation. Nearly a century later polarisation would be pivotal to the technology behind moving 3-D images developed by Edwin Land FRS. Land's 3-D film projected two prints onto the cinema screen in synchrony, the images were then separated by polarised light-filtering glasses worn by the audience to force the binocular effect. It was first demonstrated in New York in 1936.
Stereoscopy goes extraterrestrial
Warren de La Rue to Nasa
Celebrating history of science, world stereoscopy day 21June
Wheatstone's paper on stereoscopy marks the birth of a 3-D technology. emblematic of how each generation of scientists builds on earlier discoveries and inventions, extending and reimagining them for new and improved applications. This scientific heritage is to be celebrated.