By Pontifical Catholic University of Peru
Archivo de la Universidad - PUCP
Oficio N° 19539 de la Dirección General de Instrucción Pública que transcribe la Resolución Suprema N° 620 de 24 de diciembre de 1916 que autoriza el inicio de la Academia Universitaria (24 de diciembre de 1916) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Beginning of the Academia Universitaria
On December 24, 1916, the Supreme Resolution No. 620 authorized the beginning of a free center for higher education named "Academia Universitaria", in order to prepare students for academic degrees.
Retrato del R.P. Jorge Dintilhac, SS.CC. (1917) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
The first rector of the Universidad Católica
1917, photograph of the founder and first rector of the University, R.F. Jorge Dintilhac, known as "Father Jorge", who belonged to the Order of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary (SS.CC.).
Texto de los oficios N° 3617 y 3618 sobre el establecimiento de la Universidad Católica, expedido por el Ministerio de Educación Pública (24 de marzo de 1917) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Document No. 3617 and 3618 - Ministry of Public Education
Transcription of the supreme resolution by which the Universidad Católica is established with the faculties of Letters and Jurisprudence.
In addition, the petition about the official value of the Academia Universitaria exams is withdrawn.
Carta Orgánica de la Universidad Católica (25 de octubre de 1917) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Organic Letter of the Academia Universitaria
On October 25, 1917, the creation of the Universidad Católica was made official as an institution of higher education in sciences and letters from a catholic approach; as well as their organization.
The Superior Council is established to be in charge of designating the rector, vice-rector, secretary and treasurer, with the term of office being three years, with their respective renewal criteria.
Dibujo original del Escudo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1935) by Arturo Jiménez BorjaPontifical Catholic University of Peru
PUCP's original shield
Watercolor made in 1935 by the doctor and anthropologist Arturo Jiménez Borja.
In the upper part, the latin phrase stands out: And the light shines in the darkness, a fundamental expression of our institutional and catholic identity.
Dibujo original del Escudo de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (1935) by Arturo Jiménez BorjaPontifical Catholic University of Peru
At the bottom is located in roman numerals MCMXVII (1917).
El padre Jorge Dintilhac comunica que la Universidad Católica ha sido elevada a la categoría de Pontificia (27 de septiembre de 1942) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Elevation to the category of Pontifical
On September 27, 1942, the R.F. Jorge Dintilhac SS.CC. communicates the arrival of the cable signed by his holiness Pius XII where the outstanding work of the Universidad Católica is recognized and for this reason it is granted the official pontifical seal.
Decreto Canónico de Pontificia (30 de septiembre de 1942) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Pontifical Canonical Decree
Decree issued in Rome, on September 30, 1942 by the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities that elevates the Pontificia a la Universidad Católica.
Traducción del Decreto Canónico de Pontificia (21 de enero de 1981) by Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPontifical Catholic University of Peru
Translation of the Canonical Decree of Pontifical
It was issued by the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities on September 30, 1942 and translated by the Father Armando Nieto Vélez, S.J. on January 21, 1981.
Archivo de la Universidad – PUCP
On April 7, 1983, by Rectoral Resolution No. 108/83, the begining of actions leading to the establishment of the Archivo de la Universidad was ordered. Through the Resolution of the University Council No. 296/88 of August 17, 1988, it was created as an academic-administrative support unit of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. It is in charge of gathering, conserving, organizing, describing, disseminating and serving the documents in various supports that the University has produced and produces throughout more than 100 years of institutional life.
Content and Photographs: Archivo de la Universidad - PUCP
To the entire team of the Archivo de la Universidad - PUCP
To the entire team of the Dirección de Asuntos Culturales (DACU) - PUCP
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