Lebrija, birth city of Antonio de Nebrija

Join us on a journey through the town of Lebrija, where Nebrija lived from 1444 to 1458, and discover the places that now pay homage to the famous Humanist.


Sculpture of Antonio de Nebrija by Nigues AnselmFundación Antonio de Nebrija

Elio Antonio de Nebrija

Antonio Martínez de Cala y Xarana (1441–1522) was the first Hispanic Humanist. Celebrated for his Castilian Grammar (1492), he introduced Italian Renaissance Humanism to the Iberian Peninsula in the early 1470s.

Illustration of the Lebrija from the 15th century (ca. 1600) by HoefnagelFundación Antonio de Nebrija

Lebrija is one of the most outstanding enclaves of Bajo Guadalquivir. A city among the mudflats, vineyards, and potteries that stood out on the border with the province of Cádiz. Its Roman and Medieval history has made its mark throughout its artistic heritage.

Lebrija (12-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

A small town

Let's begin the journey in one of the enclaves of the city, where some of the walls of the town's former castle still exist. In this same location stands the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Castillo.

Lebrija (19-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Only several fragments of the exterior wall now remain. This wall was primarily constructed to defend the castle. During the 15th century, the city grew considerably as a rural and coastal area.

Hermitage of Our Lady of the Castle (14-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Hermitage of Nuestra Señora del Castillo

This hermitage is one of the main examples of Moorish architecture in Lebrija. It was constructed as a Christian project within the castle's main square around the end of the 14th century. In contrast to the rest of the enclosure, the temple did not undergo huge changes.

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Sculpture of Antonio de Nebrija (1944) by José Lafita DíazFundación Antonio de Nebrija

Plaza de España

Going down the castle hill, we come across the Plaza de España with the sculpture of Antonio de Nebrija. This was inaugurated in 1946 to mark 500 years since his birth.

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Sculpture of Antonio de Nebrija (1944) by José Lafita DíazFundación Antonio de Nebrija

Lebrija (19-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Church of Nuestra Señora de la Oliva

Constructed in the mid 13th century and later extended in the 15th century, this is a church with three naves built to underline the importance of Christianity over the Islamic world. The exterior tower was constructed in the 18th century, inspired by the Giralda in Seville.

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Church of Our Lady of the Olive (12-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Church of Our Lady of the Olive (12-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Culture House in Lebrija (15-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Casa de la Cultura

The Casa de la Cultura of the Ayuntamiento of Lebrija is the home of the Culture Department. It houses the Municipal School of Music and Dance and the municipal painting workshop. At the entrance, we can see a mosaic with a portrait of the Humanist, which welcomes you into the center.

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Lebrija (19-03-2022)Fundación Antonio de Nebrija

Birth home of Nebrija

On the street that bears his name, we find a plaque marking the potential place where Nebrija was born in 1444. Some writings describe "the site of the Casas del Maestro" where Calle de Mesones once was, which is now Calle Antonio de Nebrija.

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Sculpture of Antonio de Nebrija (1944) by José Lafita DíazFundación Antonio de Nebrija

Credits: Story

With the support of the Ayuntamiento de Lebrija

Curator: Rodrigo Díaz

Credits: All media
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