By ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

With photo contributions from Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Claudia Binondo, and Filiberto Pollisco, Jr.

Kepulauan Seribu National Park

This AHP in Indonesia encompasses terrestrial and shallow marine ecosystems covering 78 small islands, 86 reefs, and 21.36 sq km of shallow marine corals.


Fish hiding in the corals (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Also known as Thousand Islands Marine National Park

This ASEAN Heritage Park (AHP) was first declared as a nature reserve comprising 1,074.89 km2 of terrestrial and marine areas. This AHP aims to prevent further ecosystem deterioration and protect the coral reefs and islands that provide habitats  for threatened species.

Rhizophora apiculata (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Kepulauan Seribu National Park's vegetation is dominated by coconut palm, pandan, screwpine, cemara laut, and cangkudu. It is the habitat of 15 mangrove species including Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and the dominant species Rhizophora stylosa.

Tropical fish and coral (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Small islands in the park are surrounded by fringing reefs at depths of up to 20 metres. 134 corals have been identified in the park, including hard corals, table corals, sea fans, leaf corals, mushroom corals, and soft corals. Various ornamental fish have also been recorded.

Pink skunk clownfish and others (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Wildlife of Kepulauan Seribu National Park

• 134 species of corals
• 8 species of seagrass
• 3 species of dolphins
• 3 species of eagles
• 2 species of marine turtles

Turtle hatchling (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Sites within Kepulauan Seribu National Park, such as the Pramuka, Penjaliran Timur, Yu Island, and Semak Daun Islands, are nesting sites for hawksbill and green sea turtles.

Hawksbill turtles (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

To aid in these animals' conservation, facilities such as hatcheries have been established in the park.

White-bellied sea eagle (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Three species of eagles have been recorded: the brahminy kite (Haliastur indus), white-bellied sea eagle (Halaeetus leucogaster), and osprey (Pandion haliaetus). These are the focus of a rehabilitation programme in the park, primarily through an eagle translocation programme.

Closeup of the mangroves (2017) by Claudia Binondo / Filiberto A. Pollisco Jr.ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Learn more about Kepulauan Seribu National Park

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ASEAN Heritage Parks

ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) are protected areas of high conservation importance that provide valuable contributions to safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity. 

AHPs provide a window to the world, showcasing a wealth of biodiversity that is uniquely ASEAN.

Credits: Story

With photo contributions from Kepulauan Seribu National Park, Claudia Binondo, and Filiberto Pollisco, Jr.

Credits: All media
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