Frogs, Toads, Newts and More

Pond ecosystems are under threat from climate change


Froglife video for COP26 (2021) by Ash Mawby and Jenny Tse-LeonUnited Nations Climate Change Conference COP26

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Climate change poses a huge threat to amphibians and reptiles. The UK Government must set binding targets to keep global temperature rises to below 1.5°C

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Froglife is a national wildlife charity committed to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles – frogs, toads, newts, snakes and lizards – and saving the habitats they depend upon.

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Froglife’s vision is a world in which reptiles and amphibian populations are flourishing as part of healthy ecosystems.

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We make practical differences to improve amphibian and reptile habitats, engage diverse communities, encourage learning about wildlife conservation and inform global research on amphibians and reptiles.

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Froglife’s work to conserve amphibians and reptiles in the UK is crucial.  There is a global need to protect animals like frogs, toads, newts, snakes and lizards, and we aim to make sure that the species we have in the UK are able to flourish long into the future.

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Amphibians and reptiles are suffering from global declines, meaning that many animals are threatened with extinction.  

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Animals like frogs, newts, toads, lizards and snakes face a number of threats, including habitat loss, pollution, disease, exploitation and climate change.

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We have initiated a number of national and regional projects, and remain a central voice for public advice on issues surrounding reptile and amphibian conservation.

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Many ponds are even better at storing carbon that woodland and are biodiversity hotspots. Throughout the last decade, Froglife has created more than 500 ponds in our mission to protect and conserve amphibian and reptile wildlife.

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