By ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

With photo contributions from The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHP.

Kon Ka Kinh National Park

With scenic landscapes and globally significant biodiversity, the park is located in the northeastern region of Gia Lai province in Viet Nam.


Landscape of Kon Ka Kinh National Park (2017) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Known as the “roof of Gia Lai province”, Kon Ka Kinh Mountain is the highest point in the park 1,748 metres.  Because of the steep topography, rivers and streams originating from the park are often short, narrow and fast flowing, with many waterfalls.

Vegetation in Kon Ka Kinh (2019) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

The park consists of different forest types including mountain evergreen forest, mixed coniferous forest, and broadleaf forest.

With 687 species of plants, the park harbours numerous endemic and threatened species. Fokienia hodginsii or Fujian cypress, Pinus dalatensis, Craibiodendron scleranthum, Afzelia xylocarpa, and Calamus poilanei have been known to occur in the park.

Orchid in Kon Ka Kinh National Park, The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHP, 2019, From the collection of: ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
Orchid in Kon Ka Kinh National Park 2, The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHP, 2022, From the collection of: ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
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Muntjac (2014) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

The park is home to 42 species of mammals.

Gray-shanked douc (2023) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

These include globally threatened species such as the buff-cheeked gibbon, grey-shanked douc langur, and truong son muntjac.

Yellow cheeked gibbon (2018) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Wildlife of Kon Ka Kinh National Park

• 687 species of vascular plants
• 205 species of butterflies
• 130 species of birds
• 42 species of mammals
• 29 species of reptiles
• 22 species of amphibians

Snake in Kon Ka Kinh (2019) by The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHPASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Learn more about Kon Ka Kinh National Park

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ASEAN Heritage Parks

ASEAN Heritage Parks (AHPs) are protected areas of high conservation importance that provide valuable contributions to safeguarding ecosystems and biodiversity. 

AHPs provide a window to the world, showcasing a wealth of biodiversity that is uniquely ASEAN.

Credits: Story

With photo contributions from The Management Board of Kon Ka Kinh AHP.

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