Castelporziano collections

The precious furnishings, the finds of the archaeological museum and the Savoy carriages are among the most important collections of the Presidential Estate of Castelporziano


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Royal residence

The main floor of the castle preserves furnishings dating back to the Savoy period, mostly coming from the Quirinal, from the main pre-unification palaces and from purchases made by the Savoy.

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Despite the extreme heterogeneity of the furnishings on the Noble Floor, the celebration of the Savoy family and hunting can be identified as the main themes.

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The historical and archaeological museum

The historical and archaeological museum hosted in the Castle and hamlet displays a collection of over two-hundred objects from the archaeological digs carried out in the Castelporziano Estate from the second half of the 19th Century.

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The museum is articulated into several halls and displays a large number of objects in chronological order and divided according to the monument they belonged to.

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The most historically and artistically relevant grave goods on display are from a tomb of the necropolis of Castel di Decima (700 BC)

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and a portion of a painted ceiling from the Roman period found in the area of the imperial villa that once stood in Tor Paterno.

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Carriages for royal travel

The carriage pavilion presents the wagons used by the Savoy court for royal hunts, as well as wood for walking along the estate's avenues and agricultural vehicles for working in the fields.

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Big Breaks and Hunting Breaks were the main chariots to take guests to the hunting grounds.

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In addition, there are also sporty tanks, solid and fast, such as Phaeton and Spider-Phaeton.

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The chariot on display was made by Cesare Sala of Milan in 1882. In addition to the carriages used for hunting, there are many woods used by the queen to go to the archaeological sites: these are both carriages of various types and elegant Vis-à-vis with who the ladies accompanied the sovereign.

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Particularly relevant is the specimen exhibited for walks in the countryside, "for the service of the royal princesses" as stated in the ancient inventories. There are also work carts in the fields and carts where the prey killed during the hunt were deposited.

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